Book lists, LGBT Books, Top 10

Top 10 Tuesday: Fall TBR

top ten

This my first time doing this tag, which was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The topic this week is: Books On My Fall 2018 TBR.

Fantasy Fall Feelings

The Tiger’s Daughter — I’ve been meaning to read this book for a while. This is set in an Asian inspired fantasy world and there’s a f/f relationship, that’s all I needed to hear honestly. I love reading fantasy that pulls inspiration from anywhere other than Europe so this a welcome change. I’ve also recently received the ARC for the sequel, The Phoenix Empress, and I’ll probably read that one right after the Tiger’s Daughter because there’s nothing better than reading multiple books of a series in a row.

The Bone Witch — I’ve heard good things about this book, plus it involves necromancy, so really no way to go wrong there. I think there’s a f/f relationship, but it’s between secondary characters if I’m not mistaken. That always tampers my excitement a little, but I’m still really looking forward to this book.

And I Darken — I’m really late to this one. I think this series is actually over now, which means it’s the perfect time for me to pick it up, because if I love it when all the books are already out. I’m fascinated by the idea of Vlad the Impaler as a woman. I don’t actually know if this is fantasy, it might just be alternate history, but it has some definite fantasy vibes. I’m really excited to read it regardless.

Girls made of Snow and Glass — This is a fairytale retelling of Snow White, from what I understand. There’s also a f/f romance. I’m curious about this one, but a bit apprehensive too, because a few reviews mention it reads more like middle grade, which isn’t something I usually read but I’m still curious enough to give it a shot.

Grey Sister — This one needs no introductions. I loved Red Sister I can’t wait to read more in this universe. That’s all.

Witchmark — I’m really curious about this one, I think I’ve heard it described as gaslamp fantasy somewhere, which is something I can’t say I’ve ever read before. In any case there’s magic, a m/m romance, and a vaguely post WWI feel. Good enough for me.

Fall Releases

Girls of Paper and Fire — I’m so so excited for this one. This is another fantasy book set in an Asian inspired world. It also has a f/f relationship but it seems this one is going to be darker than the usual YA fantasy book. The premise sounds fascinating from the goodreads summary, and I can honestly say this is my most anticipated book of the fall.

What if it’s Us — Everyone’s already heard about this one. I haven’t always loved the other books I’ve read by these two authors, but I’m still curious to see what they come up with together.

Sawkill Girls — This seems to be at once fantasy and mystery and I’m really curious to read it. I’ve read some great reviews and that made me add this book to my tbr when previously it wasn’t even on my radar. I think there’s LGBT characters on this one too!

Fall Mood


Beartown — This is a book about a small town obsessed with hockey and the lengths they’re willing to go to protect the sport and players they think are going to save them from obscurity. I looove hockey, absolutely love it, and I can’t think of anything more fall and cosy than a book about hockey, and a possible mystery (?) I don’t know too much about this one, and I want to keep it that way. But listen, I expect lots of hockey talk, and games, and epic goals and saves. I need that. I’m begging.

And that’s my top 10 TBR for fall. I have no idea how many of these I’ll have read by the time winter comes around, or even how well I’ll stick to it, but here’s to hoping. Let me know if you’ve read any of these books, and what you thought of them, or if any of them are part of your fall tbr as well!

29 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Fall TBR”

  1. Ooh these look like some great picks! I just recently added And I Darken to my TBR (haha I’m also late) and I’m really looking forward to that one. I hope you enjoy it! 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great list!
    And I Darken doesn’t have fantasy elements, but it feels like a medieval fantasy book.
    I loved Witchmark! It’s gaslamp fantasy but it reads mostly as a paranormal romance with a mystery element. Girls Made of Snow and Glass is another book I really liked – it is on the younger end of YA, but I loved everything about it but the (very slow) pacing. I hope you end up liking them too!

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    1. Thank you for the rundown! I’ve always known And I Darken was inspired by real historical events but maybe it was something about the cover that made me think there was fantasy elements to it — a medieval fantasy book sounds great tho!
      Gaslamp! That’s the word I was looking for, I genuinely never heard of it before, I assume it’s to distinguish it from steampunk. I really don’t mind slow-paced books, I was more worried the writing would be too young and simple. I hope I like them too, I have high hopes!

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  3. I’m all about those fall releases! I have ARC’s of both Sawkill Girls and Girls of Paper and Fury – which I should start reading this weekend if all goes right. Definitely looking forward to those! And I need to get myself a copy of What If It’s Us the moment I spot them at the bookstore, haha. There’ll be no stopping me!

    Happy reading. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh that’s so great, I hope you enjoy them! I’ll have to wait a bit longer for them but they aren’t that far away and I have plenty to keep myself entertained with. My only issue with What if it’s Us is whether I want to order a physical copy or just go with the more practical ebook. There’s a good chance this one will be translated in my country so I’m probably just going with the ebook, until I can buy a physical copy in Portuguese.

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      1. It’ll be there sooner than you think! Time flies lately – at least for me it does.
        I only order physical copies. I keep my Kindle for ARC’s only because it’s just.. easier that way, haha. And if you prefer your physical copies in Portuguese, I’d definitely wait. 🙂 If you prefer English, it wouldn’t really matter.

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  4. I’m about to start the tiger’s daughter, also because I got the sequel and want to read them back to back haha ☺️
    Also planning on reading and I darken and what if it’s us this fall 😊


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  5. I’m totally with you about Girls of Paper and Fire! I’m excited to read that one too! ALSO, can I just say that your blog is adorable? I love the name of your blog and your graphics are on point (do people even say that anymore? Oh gosh, now I feel old…) Anywho, thanks for a lovely list!

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